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Basic Battles is a free to download experimental set to expand on Basic Impetus rules for later periods, up to Colonial warfare, where one Unit roughly represents one brigade. It includes new rules and sample lists for: English Civil War, American War of Independence, Napoleonics, American . DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS INTRODUCTION This rule set is an extension of our very successful “De Bellis Antiquitatis”, more familiarly known as DBA. It chiefly differs in being intended as a direct competitor for current mainstream wargames rules for the ancient and medieval period, such as our own. A Quick Game of Armati This week's game was a bit of a fill-in. I've got an all-dayer next week so I've been working on that and there's some other bits & pieces I've been working on (replacing window beading in the summer house & re-painting it) so I needed something quick.

armati rules download pdf

Armati rules download pdf

I armati rules download pdf not appreciate the comment that you could user-trial with plastic figures. Almost my entire army is made up of plastic figures from various manufacturers, and they fight as well as metal. I like my little 20mm figures creaming out those oversized 30mm monstrosities.

Quahog25 quahog25 aol. It's hard to say whether its numerous oddities are actually well crafted deep subtleties or just, well, oddities:. The 'cheap pistols' problem is largely rectified at Normal scale. In Condensed scale, 1 pistol, at 10 points, is far better than a 12 pt lancer. In regular scale you need 2 elements, and 20 pts, to have the same effect. Play only in regular scale. Muskets actually have decent range, and movement rates make sense.

Don't just play condensed scale and be put off. My initial feeling was that DBR is far better than any other Renaissance rules I own and that's quite a few! A year later, this is still true, armati rules download pdf, but I am not entirely happy with it. Armati rules download pdf think there are a couple of basic flaws:, armati rules download pdf.

On the plus side, DBR handles some things very well, such as the mutual support of pike, shot, pistols, and light guns. I have a feeling that some of the non-historical results I get may be due to lack of familiararity with the rules. Historical tactics usually do seem to pay off, which has to be a big plus. So what changes need to be made?

The only real problem I have is that I use 6 mm 'cos I don't have much spaceand you get no advantage for that under the rules i. I think that DBR is terribly flawed for what it is attempting to depict. I am particularly dissatisfied with the Shot troop type - particularly making all those equipped with arquebuses Shot I.

I have tried many ECW sets over the years for Thirty Years War and related ones toobut most were just too complicated - too many factors to consider or difficult mechanics - especailly for group games. It takes a little bit of concentration to read thru but with a cheat sheet in hand, it is very easy to play. I did a game at Historicon US national convention with kids as young as 10 playing along. The rules cover the entire year plus period of to and armies around the world.

If you want to do only ECW, you can ignore all the rules for elephants and rockets and Lancers and such. Just the armati rules download pdf day, our group did Moghul Indians vs. Rajputs with all that strange stuff and it was great fun. We have done many ECW games in 25mm using the "normal" scale option, and all have enjoyed the events.

Note armati rules download pdf you can get by with minimal figures. A pike stand has 4 figures, musketeers have 3, cavalry generally 3, but Royalists are mostly 2. Light horse and skirmishers are 1 per stand. You could make a complete army with about 40 mounted and 60 foot figures plus a couple of guns.

Some people have tested the rules for themselves with just cut-out bases or even plastic Esci TYW figures. Then if you like the system you can choose between the large 25mm 35mm figures of Redoubt or the small 25mm 30mm figures of Wargames Foundry. Both make hundreds of figures in many variations - all you would ever need, armati rules download pdf. We looked forward to playing DBRpainted up some renaissance armies, played a few games, and gave it up.

It's that DBR doesn't play like the renaissance period. Not only is it difficult to recreate historical tactics, armati rules download pdf, but the rules actually reward you for playing unhistorically. Pretty scary stuff. Since armati rules download pdf have all these nice renaissance armies painted up, we're playing Armati with them, but Armati is just not as much fun as DBM, armati rules download pdf. Anybody from WRG listening?

I was a little suspicious of the rules after a read through, but reserved judgement. We played several games of DBR. At first it seemed ok, if a bit obtuse as usual for WRG. But over the course of several games, we began to learn that historical tactics were not optimal. For example, our Spanish player never runs troops in tercio because it is a sub-optimal formation.

Actually, it is f-ing useless. The lack of units in DBR begins to cause rather bizzare-looking and -feeling games. There are many other valid criticisms that one can find elsewhere. A couple of us decided to try Armati. Overall, we were satisfied with the results, armati rules download pdf didn't like the restrictive nature of the lists, armati rules download pdf. Advanced Armati has largely addressed this issue, although there are still some problems with the lists.

The bottom line is this: several of us have decided to abandon DBR because, in our opinions, it is neither a good simulation of the period nor is it a very good game. Armati especially with the supplement I feel is both a better game and better simulation albeit a relatively simple one. The battles were fun and exciting; DBR seemed to capture the flavor of these early 15th century armies well. There were no Pi or Si or any other of the more complex troop types that are killed on an odd roll, on the opponent's bound, on Tuesday's, under a full moon, in a month with no R.

So, it looks like we may use DBR for our early renaissance games, but I'm not convinced that DBR does a good job for the period to I'm still waiting for someone to enlighten me on simulating the tercio in DBR. As a result, I am left with the question, "If DBR is a model of early modern warfare, how the hell did the tercio ever develop? Rather, I wish to point out that people may be labouring under a few misapprehensions regarding the structure and use of the the Spanish Tercio as it evolved during the wars in the Low Countries.

It is true that the Tercio started life as resembling a Swiss keil, that is, an extremely large, self-sufficient pike block to which was added the novelty of organic fire-support.

Over the next years however, Tercios were at the forefront of developments in military theory and practice, armati rules download pdf, becoming smaller and handier, with the proportion of shot rising considerably.

This was not merely "battlefield" ad-hocery. The organisational tables of the many Tercios raised during this time clearly reflect these changes. Although Maurice of Nassau is credited at least among Protestant historians with the invention of the early modern regimental system, armati rules download pdf, he almost certainly copied it from contemporary Spanish practice.

It is impossible to do justice to this topic in armati rules download pdf email, so for those interested in this topic I can only recommend an excellent site devoted to Tercio research:. The list grew out of an e-mail discussion of DBMmostly among players in the San Francisco Bay area, where the CC: list we were building up was getting too big and the CC: lines were getting out of sync so people were starting to get left out of conversational threads.

It has now grown in a month and a half or so since its inception to just over 60 members from all over. Tournament announcements, rules discussions, army discussions, tactics, modelling info, figure sources and reviews, comparisons to other rules like Armati, historical sources, and probably a few things I haven't thought of just now are all appropriate topics here.

Some of our members are in contact with Phil Barker and carry to him the thornier questions. Period Renaissance Version 1, armati rules download pdf. I have played many rules in both ancient including mediaeval and renaissance periods, and find DBR to have problems - especially the strength of pikes a problem in common with DBM - but playable and enjoyable overall.

DBR is strange. It's hard to say whether its numerous oddities are actually well crafted deep subtleties or just, well, oddities: Pike are much too weak, worse than useless. Pistols are too good, armati rules download pdf. Point values bear little relation to effectiveness.

Still, given the right armies, it can make a good game. I think there are a couple of basic flaws: The troop ratings I,O,S seem to be defined across the whole period, rather than within a sub-period. Thus the standard early shot is rated Sh Iand the standard later shot is rated Sh S. This shows the progression of technology, but is coarse within the sub-period, and also causes me some problems with ECW cavalry definitions.

Shot seem to be able to totally dominate a battlefield. In one condensed scale French Wars of Religion game recently, the Hugenot Sh 8EE completely dominated the game, blowing away pike left, right and centre.

This is a bit unbalanced, particularly as the early Hugenot lost practically every battle. What's a guy to do? Write his own rules? Awkward rules writing, unhistorical feel, DBR deserves to die. I make no particular recommendation, I just recount my experience. First, let me say that I have not plyed DBR and so cannot comment on the rules.

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Armati rules download pdf

armati rules download pdf

Jun 03,  · All twelve armies from the 3rd Edition Warhammer Armies book (including the Norse). This September will the the 30th Anniversary of me starting to collect miniatures and gaming (I started off with Napoleonic ESCI and Airfix plastics the year before in ), and this thought has got me looking through all the different odds and ends which I. Jan 10,  · The search for the Perfect Ancient Wargame When I got back into miniatures wargaming about eight years ago I had only a vague idea of what I was letting myself in for. I imagined that I would paint some figures, find a set of rules, and achieve a comfortable wargaming Prufrock. DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS INTRODUCTION This rule set is an extension of our very successful “De Bellis Antiquitatis”, more familiarly known as DBA. It chiefly differs in being intended as a direct competitor for current mainstream wargames rules for the ancient and medieval period, such as our own.

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